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[Page last updated on 06 May 2021]

HEALTH Lab on Maximo Application Suite (8.3)


This Lab is provided as-is and does NOT represent formal IBM documentation in any way. Please send any feedback directly to Christophe Lucas.

TIP: If the images seem too small to read, just right-click them, open in new tab and zoom in/out. I have tried to make all images readable with clear 1., 2., 3. etc references to the corresponding instruction steps.

0. Prerequisites & Objectives


There are no prerequisites if you just plan to go till section 9. Update the Health Scoring Method - you will generate all the data that you need in this Health lab which is self-contained.

But if you plan to also complete the last section 10. [OPTIONAL] Map IoT Devices & Readings to Assets & Meter Readings, then you will need to have completed the first section of the Monitor lab: 1. Generate IoT data. This is because - and that is the beauty of the fully-integrated suite - the IoT data that we created in the first Monitor Lab steps of these APM labs is the exact same data that is used in these last Health Lab steps - thus enabling true, near real-time monitoring and condition-based maintenance of your assets !


In this Module you will:

  • set up the required Assets and Meter Groups in Manage (aka Maximo)
  • create a sample Health Scoring Method, a Criticality Method and a Risk Method in Health
  • populate all Cards (i.e. Health Score, Criticality, Risk, RUL, Age, Next PM, MRR) on your sample CL_Asset_1 in Health
  • [OPTIONAL] finally, associate the IoT Devices we defined in the first Monitor Lab steps of 1. Generate IoT data to the CL_Asset_1 and set up the required mappings between your IoT readings and Maximo Meter Readings.

Note that in this section, we will alternatively mention Manage or Maximo - both names refer to the 1 same thing.

1. Setup initial Manage data

Important Note on Naming Conventions: in this lab, you will create Assets which we name here CL_Asset_1 , CL_Asset_2 etc (CL standing for Christophe Lucas). In a classroom setting, make sure every student replaces the CL by their initials throughout the lab e.g. XY_Asset_1, AB_Asset_1 etc.

1. Launch Manage from MAS Suite Navigator

  1. Login to your MAS homepage. Click Launch on the Manage card. This will open Maximo in another browser tab. Login with your Maximo ID/pwd. Health1 

2. Create 3 Assets & 1 Query

  1. In Maximo, click the Go To Applications - Asset Menu. Click the + button to create an Asset, enter XY_Asset_1 - where XY are your initials. Note that for the rest of this lab, we will use CL_Asset_1 (e.g. CL for Christophe Lucas). CL_Asset_1 in both the Asset ID & Description fields. Click Save. Repeat this step for CL_Asset_2 and CL_Asset_3.
  2. Click the List View menu. In the Asset field, enter CL_Asset*, click enter. This should return the list of your 3 just-created CL_Assets. Click the Save Query button, enter CL_Assets in both the Query Name & Description. Tick the Public box.


3. Create a Meter Group

In this section, we will create a Maximo Meter Group containing 8 Meters that we will later associate to the IoT readings that we defined in the first section of the MONITOR lab.

  1. In Maximo left Find Navigation Item box, enter the Meter Groups application.
  2. Click the + button to create a Meter Group, enter CL_Asset in both the Meter Group & Description fields.
  3. Click New Row and in the Meter field, click Select Value. In the Select Value window that opens, enter Temp in the Meter field, hit Enter, select TEMP-C.
  4. Repeat previous step with the following Meters: VIBRATIONH, PRESSURE, SPEED, ACCELERAT, LOAD, TORQUE, STARTS. Click the Save button.

Note that, although Meters like PRESSURE often exist in Maximo installations out-of-the-box, some of the Meters appearing in step 4. might not exist in Maximo yet. In which case, do the following: (a) Go to the Meters menu via Find Navigation Item, (b) click Create new Meter, enter e.g. ACCELERAT (the maximum name length is 9 ), select GAUGE as Meter Type, then Save. That newly created Meter can now be added to the Meter Group in step 4.


4. Associate Meter Group to Assets & create Meter Readings

  1. In Maximo, click the Go To Applications - Asset Menu. In the Asset field, enter CL_Asset*, click enter. This will return the list of you 3 CL_Assets, click CL_Asset_1.
  2. Go to On CL_Asset_1, go to its Meters tab, click Meter Group - Select Value. In the Select Value window, CL_Asset*, click enter, select the CL_Asset Meter Group. Click Save. This has loaded all the Meters we defined in the Meter Group.
  3. In left Find Navigation item box, enter Enter M, click Enter Meter Readings. For each Meter, enter values within the ranges that we defined for the IoT readings at the beginning of the Monitor lab in 2. Create IoT Simulation. For example: TEMP-C = 37, VIBRATIONH = 4, PRESSURE = 22, SPEED = 17, ACCELERAT = 9, LOAD = 100, TORQUE = 12, STARTS = 1. Click OK.
  4. Repeat steps 1. to 3. for CL_Asset_2 and CL_Asset_3 with whatever Meter values you want.


5. Create a Condition Monitoring Rule

We are now going to define a Condition Monitoring rule where we will create upper and lower limits for the Meter Readings corresponding to TEMP-C, for Asset CL_Asset_1.

  1. In Maximo, click the Go To Applications - Condition Monitoring Menu. Click the + to create a new Condition Monitoring. Name it CL_Asset. In the Point and Description fields, enter CL_Asset*. Next to the Asset field, click Select Value, search for CL_Asset_1, select it. Next to the Meter field, click Select Value, search for TEMP-C, select it.

  2. In the Upper Warning Limit field, enter 40, in the Lower Warning Limit field, enter 35. In the Upper Action Limit field, enter 45, in the Lower Action Limit field, enter 30. Note that those values roughly correspond to the "temperature": random(35,40), values we originally defined in our IoT Simulation. With those limits defined, Condition Monitoring should pick-up those anomalous "temperature": random(46,48), we generated !

  3. In the Upper Limit Job Pan field, click Select Value and select whatever existing Job Plan you want (we're just doing a demo here !). Do the same for Upper Limit Job Pan. Click Save. Your final screen should look like picture below. Health4 

2. Setup Health

1. View your Assets in Health

  1. From the MAS homepage, Click Launch on the Health card.
  2. Go to the top-left Assets menu. Enter CL in the Search bar. This will return the 3 Assets we just created in Maximo.
  3. Click on CL_Asset_1, and observe the various cards that appear out-of-the-box - they are all empty for the moment. Let's populate them !

NOTE: it is normal that you see Predict in the top middle menu, even though you accessed this screen via the Health card. As you can see, Health & Predict actually appear on the same UI (i.e. Predict corresponding to the Predictions section just below the Health details section). When a user is entitled to both Predict & Health, Predict is always displayed. With a user only entitled to Health and NOT Predict, the top-middle menu would display Health.


2. Create Factors in Health associated to Meters in Manage

Before we create our Scoring Methods, let's first check that the Meters we associated to the 3 CL_Assets in 4. Associate Meter Group to Assets & create Meter Readings exist (or not) as Factors in Health already - if they already exist, good, if not, we'll just create them.

  1. Go to the top-left Scoring menu, then go to the Factors tab. Check which ones of the Meters you earlier defined already exist as Factors in Health, e.g. typically you will see that VIBRATIONH, TEMP-C are already defined, but NOT e.g. Speed. Let's add Speed as a Factor. On the Factors tab, click Creat Factor.
  2. Name your Factor Speed, select Meter in the Calculate a score from box. Then select Speed in the pop-up box. In the Score Normalization's Upper & Lower Limits, enter 20 & 15 (corresponding to the upper & lower limits we originally defined in 1. Create IoT Simulation).


3. Create a simple Health Scoring Method and associated Drivers

Let's first create the Health Method itself:

  1. Via the Scoring menu, go to the Methods tab and click Create method. Name your method CL_Asset_Health, and select Health in the Type drop-box.
  2. Under the Scored Assets field, click Select and select the CL_Assets query we defined in 2. Create 3 Assets & 1 Query section.


Let's now add Drivers to this Method:

  1. Staying on the CL_Asset_Health Method, click the + top-right icon to create a Driver. Name it Meter Readings, select One or more factors in the Calculate a score from tick-box. Click Create.
  2. The Meter Readings Driver now appears in the Drivers list, but is still empty. Let's add all the Factors (associated to Meter Readings) we just created to this Driver. Click the + top-right icon to select those Factors. Health 
  3. In the opened Select factors window, select the 8 Factors relevant to our CL_Assets and click Add to driver. The 8 Factors are now added to the Meter Readings Driver.
  4. Click the top-right pencil to give a Weight to the 8 Factors. Note the total of the 8 Weights must be 100%. Enter 10% for all Factors, except for TEMP-C for which enter 30%. Health 

4. Check your Health Score card and make it change

We are now going to first check that the Health Scoring Method we just defined results in a Health score being calculated for our CL_Assets, based on the Meter Readings we entered in earlier section. Then, we will enter new Meter Readings for CL_Asset_1 and notice that its Health Score automatically changes.

  1. Go to the top-left Assets menu. Enter CL in the Search bar. This will return the 3 CL_Assets. Select CL_Asset_1. Notice how the Health card displays a score of 70%. Going into the Health details card, notice how you can see the values of all the Meter Readings we entered, and how, based on the Factors and Method we defined, each Meter either shows red or green. Note that you can also see all Meter Readings in the Operational status section. Health 
  2. From Health, access Manage by clicking on the top-left IBM Maximo Application Suite banner, then by clicking the Manage card.
  3. Go to Maximo's Asset menu, enter CL* in the Asset field and click enter. This will display the 3 CL_Assets, select your CL_Asset_1. In the Find Navigation Item menu, write Enter Meter Readings, click Enter and just enter a value of 55 for TEMP-C. This means that TEMP-C is going to move above the normal operating conditions we originally defined in the IoT Simulation (i.e. between 35 & 40 Celsius).
  4. Go back to Health. Select your CL_Asset_1 row. Top-rigt, click Recalculate Health score. Observe how your Health card gets updated from 70% (orange) to 40% (red). Health 

5. Create Criticality & Risk Scoring Methods and populate Criticality & Risk cards

We now are going to create another type of Method, i.e. a Method of type Criticality which will feed the Criticality card on a given Asset.

  1. From the top-left Scoring menu,go to the Method tab and click Create method. Name it CL_Asset_Criticality. In the Type, select Criticality. In the Scored Assets, select the CL_Assets query as we did in section 3. Click Create.
  2. Click on the just created CL_Asset_Criticality link. Click the to-right Edit pencil. In the Formula field, just write Priority. NOTE: in this case, we are simply defining the Health Criticality score of a given Asset as the value of the Asset's Priority field - which we will populate in Maximo in next steps. We will see in next sections how more advanced formulas can be defined, where pretty much any other field associated to the given Asset in Maximo can be used.
  3. As a final step for this Criticality card, make sure you tick the Active checkbox to activate our CL_Asset_Criticality method.


Let's now create a Risk Method and populate the Risk card.

NOTE: Because the definition of Risk might vary from an organisation to another, this Risk Method is fully configurable. You can use these Formulas references to have an idea of what custom formulas you can construct. By default, the Risk Score in MAS-Health is defined as follows: By default, risk is calculated by dividing the remainder of the health score by 100 and then multiplying the resulting number by the criticality score.

  1. From the top-left Scoring menu, go to the Method tab and click Create method. Name it CL_Asset_Risk. In the Type, select Risk. In the Scored Assets, select the CL_Assets query as we did in section 3. Click Create.
  2. Click on the just created CL_Asset_Risk link. Click the top-right Edit pencil. In the Formula field, write IF((ISNULLF(ASSETLOCSCORE("health")) || ISNULLF(ASSETLOCSCORE("criticality"))), NULLVALUE(),((100-ASSETLOCSCORE("health"))/100)*ASSETLOCSCORE("criticality")). That is the code translation of what we just wrote in earlier Note. Make sure you tick the Active checkbox to activate our CL_Asset_Risk method.
  3. Go back to CL_Asset_1, open it and top-right, click Edit source aset record, that will open the asset in Maximo. There, simply enter 3 in the Priority field, click Save, go back to Health.
  4. Wait a minute (for some Manage-Health background process to complete), go back to your CL_Asset_1, click top-rigt Recalculate Health score and observe how both your Criticality and Risk cards now display data !


6. Populate the RUL & Age cards

The Age card displays the current system date minus the installation date of an asset.

The RUL card is calculated as follows: The remaining percentage of the asset's useful life. The remaining useful life (RUL) is calculated by subtracting the age from the manufacturer’s expected life. If the age exceeds the expected life, the RUL is 0%..

So back to CL_Asset_1 in Maximo, simply set a value in Installation Date (set it e.g. > 5 years in the past), and a value in Expected Life (make it > 15 years). Go back to CL_Asset_1 in Health, click top-right Recalculate health score button, and ... there you go: the Age and RUL cards are now populated !


7. Populate the Next PM & MRR cards and the Asset Timeline

The Next PM card displays the time until the next scheduled preventive maintenance (PM) event. To populate it, we must therefore associate a preventive maintenance to our asset. To do that:

  1. Go back your CL_Asset_1 in Maximo. In the top-left Find Navigation Item menu, write Preventive Maintenance and click enter. That will take you to the Preventive Maintenance menu.
  2. Click the + top button to create a new Preventive Maintenance. Leave the PM ID as-is, and write CL_Asset_1_PM in the PM Description field. In the Asset field, select your CL_Asset_1.
  3. Go to the Frequency tab. In the section Time Based Frequency, enter 3 in Frequency, and in the Estimated Next Due Date, enter a date e.g. 55 days in the future.
  4. In Find Navigation Item menu, write Change Status, click enter, and set the Status to Active, click OK.
  5. Wait a minute, then go back to CL_Asset_1 in Health. Click Recalculate health score in top-right Actions menu ... and you should now see a Next PM value !


The MRR card displays: The maintenance-to-replacement ratio (MRR) for the asset. The MRR is calculated by dividing the current total cost of all maintenance for the asset, including parts and labor, by the replacement cost.

To populate it, we must therefore create work that has costs associated !

  1. In Maximo, open CL_Asset_1. In the left menu, click Create - Work Order, name it CL_Asset_1_WO_1.
  2. Go to the Work tab, you will see the just created CL_Asset_1_WO_1. Click Go To Work Order Tracking.
  3. On the opened work order, from left menu, click Change Status and set the status of the work order to Approved.


  1. Go to the Actuals tab and at the bottom of that tab, click the Select Labor button. (NOTE: Here we expect that your Maximo instance has a least 1 existing Labor already). Select e.g. BALL. Extend the BALL row.
  2. In the Details section, enter a Start Date in the past, and enter e.g. 10 in the Regular Hours field. Note the Rate value (i.e. 22 in this case) and how the Line Cost = Hours x Rate (e.g. 220 = 22 x 10 in our case).
  3. Click Change Status and set the status of the work order to Complete.
  4. In the left menu Find Navigation Item, type then launch Run Reports. In the Reports and Schedules window that opens, navigate to the Maintenanc Cost Rollup Update. Click Create Report. On the Request Page, select a Site (e.g. =BEDFORD) and set the Schedule to Immediate. Click Submit.


Finally, we can see our last card populated ! In this case, the MRR now equals 27.5% - which indeed is the result of this calculation: Total Cost / Replacement Cost = 220/800 = 27.5%.


9. Update the Health Scoring Method

As a last exercise, we are going to update the Health Scoring Method we earlier defined. This will give you a glimpse at how configurable health scores are.

  1. In Health, go back to the left Scoring menu. Open the CL_Asset_Health Method and Deactivate it (top-right). Click the + top-right icon to add a new Driver. Enter Year to Date vs. Replacement Cost in the Name and tick the A custom formula tickbox. In the formula field, enter IF(ytdcost>(replacecost/50),20,20-PCT(ytdcost,replacecost)). This is another calculation involving the Year to Date Cost and Replacement Cost associated to CL_Asset_1. In the Best Score enter 100, and in Worst Score enter 0. Click Create.
  2. Similarly to what we just did, create another Driver, call it Open Work Orders. In the Custom formula field, enter count$openwo. In the Best Score enter 0, and in Worst Score enter 5. Click Create.
  3. On the Drivers list, click the top-right pencil, and give weights to the 3 Drivers, e.g. Meter Readings at 60%, Year to Date vs. Replacement Cost and Open Work Orders at 20%.
  4. This is what your CL_Asset_Health Drivers list should look like.


Finally, come back to your CL_Asset_1, click Recalculate Score and ... contemplate your work - well done and congratulations !


10. [OPTIONAL] Map IoT Devices & Readings to Assets & Meter Readings

In this last optional section, we will map the IoT Devices & Readings we defined in the first steps of the Monitor Lab to the Assets & Meter Readings we defined in the earlier 1. Setup initial Manage data step of this Health Lab. This will enable the automated synching of the IoT Readings to Manage Meter Readings - in this case, we will take an hourly average of the IoT readings and transform them into 1 new Meter Reading every hour. That is what will ultimately make real condition-based maintenance a true possibility !

Go to your Manage - Health integration page (typically set at: http://MANAGE-URL/maximo-x/#/administrator/integration), and to the IoT Connector tab.

  1. On the IoT Connection Service tab, tick the IBM Maximo Asset Monitor tick-box. Click Next 3 times. NOTE: For these labs, we assume that the Configure IoT Service and Configure End Points were already set by your instructor. Health 
  2. On the Register Device Types tab, select CL_Asset_LI (which corresponds to the Logical Interface you defined in 4. Create Physical & Logical Interfaces). Click the Register as asset button.
  3. That will move you to the Map Data Schema page. On the CL_Asset_LI row, click the right Edit pencil. On the opened Schema tab, click Detect from a connected device and From first available. Click Get Now. Assuming data is flowing to your CL_Asset_1 device, that should populate the box below the button with a json corresponding to your IoT readings. Click Save changes.

  4. On the Device Type mappings tab, click Add Mapping button.


Let's now do the associations between the IoT Device Readings and Manage Meter Readings.

  1. Click Select meter and select TEMP-C. In the IoT Device Type Property, select temperature. In the Data collection section, tick the Agregated then Detect from a connected device and From first available tick boxes. Click Get now then Save changes. Select avg (i.e. average) in the Value field, and HOUR in the Time Period field. In the Dat Synchronization section, make sure you tick Cron Task Instance Active.
  2. Repeat step 1. for the 7 other readings. Select avg for all, except for STARTS for which select count.
  3. Your final Device Type mappings tab should look like this.


Finally let's associate the IoT Devices and Manage Assets.

  1. On the Associate Devices tab, click the Associate Assets sub tab. Type CL_ in the Search field. On the first row where CL_Asset = CL_Asset_1 and Meter =PRESSURE, selectCL_Asset_1_LIin theDevice Typecolumn, andCL_Asset_1in theDevice ID` column.
  2. Repeat step 1. for the other 7 Readings. Do not forget to click the Save icon. That wil move you to the Manage Assets tab which should look like this. Health 

Thats' it ! To check that the associations worked well, just wait a couple hours, then back in Health, open CL_Asset_1, go to the Operational Status tab, click TEMP-C and observe that every hour, a Meter Reading entry has been automatically created taking the average of the past hour IoT readings.

Well done again - you are now ready to consider a move to a real Condition-based maintenance regime for your (critical) assets.
