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[Page last updated on 10 January 2022]

Discover MONITOR with Pattern Files



This Lab is provided as-is and does NOT represent formal IBM documentation in any way. Please send any feedback directly to Christophe Lucas.

This Lab assumes that you have:

  • an ID to connect to a MONITOR 8.6 instance - either a SaaS instance, or a MONITOR instance part of a Maximo Application Suite (aka MAS) installation.

  • an ID to access a Cloud Pak For Data (aka CP4D) instance. CP4D is typically part of any MAS installation (as it contains e.g. the MONITOR DB2 data lake), and we recommend using your MAS CP4D instance to run this lab - however the instructions should also work with a 'stand-alone' CP4D.

This Lab was built using a Cloud Pak For Data instance and a MONITOR 8.6 instance both part of a MAS 8.6 environment running on IBM Cloud.

0. Objectives & Tips


I tried to make the instructions of this Lab as (visually) clear as possible, i.e. each set of numbered instructions is followed by screenshots reflecting those numbers. Do not hesitate to right-click the images and Open Image in New Tab to see all the image details and zoom-in/out.

In this Lab you will:

  • Discover and analyse 6 pattern files:
    • Understand why and how the 6 data patterns were constructed
    • Visualize the data and the anomalies (or 'changes of behaviour') that those 6 files contain using Cloud Pak For Data (aka CP4D) Data Refinery tool
  • Learn how to:
    • Create the device in MONITOR that will receive the pattern readings
    • Create a Jupyter Notebook on CP4D to send the content of the pattern files to the device
    • Visualise the data on MONITOR's dashboard
    • Apply (some of) MONITOR's out-of-the-box Anomaly Detection functions on the pattern data, and create Alerts based on the anomaly scores.

1. Analyse the pattern files in IBM Cloud Pak for Data (CP4D)

1.1 What are the 6 pattern demo files all about ?

The 6 following files were created to represent just a very few examples of 'typical behaviours and anomalies' that can be observed in industrial machine readings. They were constructed with the following ideas in mind:

  • Each file contains 1080 rows of 1 reading type (generically called reading_1). That means that, depending on the frequency you will use to send the data to MONITOR's Watson IoT Platform (cf. Section 3), you will be able to complete a 'full iteration' of the sample data in 18 minutes, a couple hours, or more - as per table below:
Message Frequency ---> = Messages per Hour ---> = 1080 Demo Time   
Every 1 second    ---> 3,600 per hour ---> 18 minutes
Every 5 seconds   ---> 720 per hour   ---> 1 hour 30 minutes
Every 10 seconds  ---> 360 per hour   ---> 3 hours 
Every 30 seconds  ---> 120 per hour   ---> 9 hours
  • Each file contains some anomalies (or 'changes of behaviour') that are pretty visible to the naked eye. The goal is to see in the last 2 sections of this Lab (Section 5 & Section 6) how (some of) MONITOR's out-of-the-box Anomaly Detection functions pick those anomalies up, and how Alerts can be created using the Anomaly scores of those functions.

  • For each file, I provided .csv and .xlsx versions. The reason I provided the .xlsx format is that you can have a look at how I manually built those files, about 50 rows by 50 rows, using the simplest Excel formula to generate random data between values (for example, =10.4+1*RAND() means generate a random number between 10.4 and 11.4). With that, you should easily be able to create your own new .xlsx files by changing just some rows in the .xlsx.

The 6 files (cvs and xlsx format), as well as a 0_1080_All file which concatenates those 6 files readings into 1 file, have all been zipped into

The table below summarises the data that each file contains:

File Name Data Overview
1_1080_2Peaks_1Drop_1BuildUp (.csv, .xlsx)
Continuous readings of random values between 10 & 11 (i.e. =10+1*RAND() ), with 4 noticeable events:
(1) a drop to values between 7 & 8 (rows 200 to 250)
(2) a peak to values between 12 & 13 (rows 350 to 380)
(3) a small spike buildup with values up to =10.8+1*RAND() (rows 500 to 515)
(4) a small 'buildown' where values progressively drop down to =9.3+1*RAND() (rows 600 to 680)
2_1080_Sinus_1Peak_2Drops (.csv, .xlsx)
A sinusoidal type of input, with 3 noticeable events:
(1) a dropdown (rows around 323)
(2) another dropdown (around row 627)
(3) a spike (around row 839)
3_1080_Sinus_2Woblings (.csv, .xlsx)
Some strange things going on here, i.e. amplitude change between rows 400 and 550 (vs. the standard sinusoidal-like background) ...
4_1080_Sinus_SignalLoss (.csv, .xlsx)
On this one, notice that between rows 370 and 470, a constant value of 23 is sent, 'breaking the sinus' ...
5_1080_Plateaus (.csv, .xlsx)
Here, we have several plateaus of values. Let's see later if the Anomaly Detection functions react each time there is a plateau change ...
6_1080_Amplitude_Changes (.csv, .xlsx)
This shows a varying signal which amplitude regularly changes.
0_1080_All (.csv, .xlsx.)
This last graph shows the 'concatenated readings' of all 6 previous files, i.e. reading_1 corresponds to 1_1080_2Peaks_1Drop_1BuildUp.csv readings, reading_2 corresponds to 2_1080_Sinus_1Peak_2Drops.csv readings, reading_3 corresponds to 3_1080_Sinus_2Woblings.csv etc

1.2 Setup a CP4D Project and load the pattern files

Let's first create the CP4D Project that we will use to load and visualise the data, then to build the Jupyter Notebook that will send the data to MONITOR.

  1. Login to CP4D and click New project in the Recent Projects box. Select Create an empty project.
  2. Name your Project e.g. CL_Monitor_Patterns (replace CL_ with your own initials). Click Create. Monitor0 

Download the zip file Unzip it on your local drive - the zip contains 14 (2 x 6+1 Files) files. In your newly created CL_Monitor_Patterns project:

  1. Click on the Assets tab and on the top-right Data icon. This will open a right-side window. On the Load tab, just drag and drop the 14 files (.csv and .xlsx formats).

  2. After a couple of seconds, those 14 files will appear under the Data Assets section of the Assets tab.


1.3 Use CP4D Data Refinery to visualise the data


The following instructions can be carried using either the .csv or the .xlsx version of the files. We will refer to the .csv version here, as ultimately it will be the .csv version we will use to send the data to MONITOR's Watson IoT Platform.

Let's first look at the 1_1080_2Peaks_1Drop_1BuildUp.csv file.

  1. In the Data assets box, on the 1_1080_2Peaks_1Drop_1BuildUp.csv row, click Refine in the right menu.
  2. On the opened window, click the Profile tab and see how the system provides you with basic info on the data (e.g. minimum, maximum or standard deviation values).
  3. Click on the Visualizations tab and observe the vast array of charts that we can create in a couple of clicks.
  4. Click on the Line chart type. On the left panel, enter time in the X-axis and reading_1 in the Y-axis. Expand and visualise the file readings, including the 2 peaks, 1 drop and 1 buildup of reading_1.

Repeat steps 1. to 4. with the 5 other .csv files we saw in Section 1.1.


Now, let's look at some of the other chart types that can be quickly created in CP4D. The following image illustrates just some examples:

  1. A 3D chart where we selected time as the X-axis, reading_1 (corresponding to the 1_1080_2Peaks_1Drop_1BuildUp.csv file readings) as both the Y-axis and Z-axis. See how we clearly see the peaks, drops and buildups there.
  2. A Box Plot chart where we selected reading_3 (corresponding to the 3_1080_Sinus_2Woblings.csv file readings) as the Column. Notice how we clearly see the outliers here, corresponding to the 'Woblings' readings.
  3. A Histogram chart, where we selected reading_4 (corresponding to the 4_1080_Sinus_SignalLoss.csv file readings) as the X-axis. Notice the main central bar corresponding to those 'flat readings' of value 23.
  4. Here, we can clearly see on a Scatter Plot the 3 main 'groups of amplitude' that can be seen on reading_6 (corresponding to the 6_1080_Amplitude_Changes.csv file readings)


2. Create the Device in Monitor & get the credentials


Make sure that in this section' exercises, you take note of the following values which we will later need in the Section 3.2.3: orgId, typeId,deviceId, YOUR_AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN, and, additionally for a MONITOR-on-MAS instance: domain and caFile.

2.1 Create Device Type & Device

In this step, take note of orgId, typeId, deviceId, YOUR_AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN.

From your MONITOR home page, click the Connect menu in the left bar, and go to the Device types tab.

  1. Click the blue Add new device type button (top-right). Name it e.g. CL_Device (replace the CL_ with your initials). Click the Create Device type button.
  2. Go to the Devices tab, click Add a device, click Use existing type and select the CL_Device device type you just created. Click Next. On the Identity step, Name the device e.g. CL_Device001. Click Next. On the Security step, enter an Authentication Token of your own.
  3. The Summary screen summarizes the info you just entered. IMPORTANT Make sure that on this screen, you take note of Organization ID (= orgid), Device Type (= typeId), Device ID (= deviceId), Authentication Token (=YOUR_AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN). Click Finish.

NOTE: The orgID we just took note of is the Organization ID of the Watson IoT Platform associated to your MONITOR instance. Refer to next section to confirm the value of that orgID.


2.2 Get Monitor (SaaS or MAS) Instance details

In this step, confirm the orgID of the Watson IoT Platform associated to your MONITOR instance (SaaS or MAS), and, for MONITOR-on-MAS only, find and take note of domain and caFile.

Follow either Option A or Option B below (not both), depending on your MONITOR instance.

2.2.1 Option A - Monitor SaaS

For a MONITOR SaaS instance, the only instance info that we will need for Section 3.2 is the orgID that we just took note of in Section 2.1. Confirm the value of that orgID by doing this: From your MONITOR Connect menu, click Open Platform Service application button (top-right). That will open the Watson IoT Platform in a separate tab - observe its URL.

Below is an example of how to confirm your orgID based on your MONITOR's Watson IoT Platform URL:

IF your MONITOR Watson IoT Platform address is:
THEN orgID = abc123

2.2.2 Option B - Monitor on MAS (Maximo Application Suite)

For a MONITOR instance on MAS, we need 2 extra pieces of info: domain and caFile.

Let's first get the required certificate, i.e. the caFile file. Using a Firefox browser:

  1. From your MAS or MONITOR Homepage, click the waffle menu (top-right), select IoT in the My applications list. That will open the Watson IoT Platform in a separate tab.
  2. In the Watson IoT Platform browser bar, click the Security icon just next to the URL. Click the Connection Secure line.
  3. Then click the More information line. That will open a pop-up window.
  4. On the popped-up window, click View Certificate. That will open a new tab on your browser.
  5. On the opened Certificate browser tab, click the ISRG Root X1 tab. In the Miscellaneous section, click the PEM (chain) link. That will download a file which name should look like: iot-maximoabc-yourcloud-info-chain.pem. Save it to your local Downloads folder. NOTE: that is the file that we will use as our caFile in Section 3.2.
  6. Back to CP4D's Assets tab, click the little top-right Find and add data waffle and drag and drop the iot-maximoabc-yourcloud-info-chain.pem file you just downloaded. Make sure it then appears on the Data Assets section.


To confirm your orgID, and to get the domain value of the Watson IoT Platform associated to your MAS-MONITOR instance, observe the URLs of your MAS, MAS-MONITOR and MAS-MONITOR-WatsonIoTPlatform Homepages, and follow the example below:

OPTION B - MONITOR on MAS (Maximo Application Suite) Example
IF 'MAS Homepage' URL looks like this:

THEN 'MAS - MONITOR Homepage' URL should look like this:

THEN 'MAS - MONITOR - Watson IoT Platform Homepage' should look like this:

orgID = demo
domain =

3. Send the Pattern Files Data to Monitor

Great - we now know which data we want to send, and have collected all the information we need to start sending it to MONITOR's Watson IoT Platform. We will now use a Jupyter Notebook to connect to the platform, and send the data to it.

3.1 Overview of the Jupyter Notebook we will build

We will build the Jupyter Notebook from scratch, cell by cell, in the following sections. However, you can already download its final version here Load_Pattern_Files_To_Monitor_FINAL.ipynb. Let's first have a look at it to understand what we are aiming at.

First (0.), in CP4D, click Add to project (top-right button), select Notebook. Click the From File tab and drag and drop the just-downloaded Load_Pattern_Files_To_Monitor_FINAL.ipynb file in the Drag and drop files here or upload box. Select the Default Python 3.7 runtime. Click Create. Wait a couple of seconds for the runtime to initiate and for the Notebook to open in CP4D.

We can now see the 4 main parts of the Notebook in which we will:

  1. install the required Watson IoT Platform Python SDK and import a few packages required to run the Notebook successfully.
  2. provide the orgId, typeId, deviceId, YOUR_AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN, and domain and caFile as we noted them down in Section 2.
  3. connect to MONITOR's Watson IoT Platform and read the 0_1080_All.csv pattern data.
  4. send the 1080 rows of data to MONITOR's Watson IoT Platform.


3.2 Build the Jupyter Notebook in CP4D

3.2.1 Create the Jupyter Notebook in CP4D

From the Assets tab in CP4D:

  1. Click Add to project top-right button, select Notebook.
  2. Give the Notebook a name: Load_Pattern_Files_to_Monitor and select the Default Python 3.7 runtime. Click Create.
  3. Your (blank) Notebook should now open.


3.2.2 Install the Watson IoT Platform Python SDK and required packages

Let's use the Watson IoT Platform Python SDK, and re-use the simplest possible code snippet (copy-pasted from the SDK's Publishing Device Events topic) to send data to the CL_Device001 we registered in section Section 2.1 section. In the Notebook we just created:

  1. In the first cell of the Notebook, type # Install the Watson IoT Platform Python SDK and select Markdown in the Format toolbar. Click Run - this is just a header, not code.

    Let's now install the Python SDK itself. From the Notebook Insert menu, click Insert Cell below. Select Code in the Format toolbar and enter this content in the cell:

    pip install wiotp.sdk

    Click the Run button in the toolbar. This installation will take 5 to 10 seconds. Look for the message at the end of the output console, which should look like this: Successfully installed ... wiotp.sdk. Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages. From the Kernel menu, click Restart Kernel, and wait a couple seconds. OPTIONAL: you can double-check the SDK was installed successfully by inserting a new cell, issuing a pip list command, and checking that it returns wiotp-sdk 0.11.0 as an installed package.

  2. From the Notebook Insert menu, click Insert Cell below. Type # Import the (few) required packages and select Markdown in the Format toolbar. Click Run - this is just a header, not code. Insert another cell, select Code in the Format toolbar, and enter this content in the cell and click the Run button in the toolbar - note that will not generate any output.

import wiotp.sdk.device
import pandas as pd
import time
import argparse
from datetime import datetime


3.2.3 Capture the Monitor and Device details

We are now going to capture the 'configuration details' required to connect to then send the 0_1080_All.csv pattern file data to the CL_Device001. There are 2 options, depending on whether your Monitor runs as a SaaS installation (Option A), or as part of a Maximo Application Suite (MAS) installation (Option B).

Collect the values that we noted in Section 2, i.e. orgId (= YOUR_ORGID), typeId (= YOUR_Device), deviceId (= YOUR_Device001), YOUR_AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN, and, additionally for a MONITOR-on-MAS instance: domain (= e.g. and caFile (= e.g. iot-maximoabc-yourcloud-info-chain.pem - note the /project_data/data_asset/ substring ahead, which points to CPD4 Data Assets 'folder').

From the Notebook Insert menu, use Insert Cell below to create Markdown cells as per image below. Create 1 Code cell, copy-paste 1 of the following code snippet (Option A or B - depending on your MONITOR env) into the cell, and replace the orgId, typeId etc with the values you just collected.

Click Run - note that will not generate any output. Monitor0  1. OPTION A: MONITOR SaaS


import wiotp.sdk.device

myConfig = { 
    "identity": {
        "orgId": "YOUR_ORGID",
        "typeId": "YOUR_Device",
        "deviceId": "YOUR_Device001"
    "auth": {

2. OPTION B: MONITOR as part of MAS

# OPTION B: For MONITOR on MAS (Maximop Application Suite)

import wiotp.sdk.device

myConfig = { 
    "identity": {
        "orgId": "YOUR_ORGID",
        "typeId": "YOUR_Device",
        "deviceId": "YOUR_Device001"
    "auth": {
    "options": {
        "domain": "",
            "verify": "True"
            "caFile": "/project_data/data_asset/iot-maximoabc-yourcloud-info-chain.pem"

3.2.4 Connect to Monitor and read the pattern file

We can now connect to the Device001 on MONITOR's Watson IoT Platform using the myConfig (Option A or B) we defined in the previous section/cell.

1. From the Notebook Insert menu, click Insert Cell below. Copy-paste the below code, and Run the cell.

deviceCli = wiotp.sdk.device.DeviceClient(config=myConfig)

Notice that we are using the connect() method of the Watson IoT Platform - Python Device SDK wiotp.sdk.device.DeviceClient, using myConfig. The red output of the cell should be a string (cf. 1. in image below) containing wiotp.sdk.device.client.DeviceClient INFO Connected successfully.

2. Remember the 0_1080_All.csv (included in we loaded to CP4D in Section 1.2 ? Let's now read it into a pandas monitor_patterns_readings dataframe that we will then use to send the data. Insert a new Code cell and copy-paste the following code:

monitor_patterns_readings = pd.read_csv('/project_data/data_asset/0_1080_All.csv',
Run the cell. The output should confirm that the file has 1080 rows of reading_1 to reading_6 readings.


3.2.5 Send the data to the Device on Monitor

This is the key part of the Notebook, where we finally send the pattern data to CL_Device001. The code is pretty self-explanatory, i.e. it loops over the 1080 rows of the monitor_patterns_readings dataframe, publishes an event for each (publishEvent(...)), and does a disconnect() when all rows have been read.

Do notice the parser.add_argument("-D", "--delay", required=False, type=float, default=5, help="number of seconds between msgs") line where you can define the frequency of your 'data sending' (cf. table in Section 1.1), e.g. using default=5 means a message is sent every 5 seconds, i.e. it will take 1.5 hour for the 1080 rows to be sent.

1. From the Notebook Insert menu, click Insert Cell below and copy-paste the below code snippet into it. Click Run.

for index, row in monitor_patterns_readings.iterrows():
    data = {'reading_1': row['reading_1'],
            'reading_2': row['reading_2'],
            'reading_3': row['reading_3'],
            'reading_4': row['reading_4'],
            'reading_5': row['reading_5'],
            'reading_6': row['reading_6']

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("-E", "--event", required=False, default="event", help="type of event to send")
    parser.add_argument("-N", "--nummsgs", required=False, type=int, default=1, help="send this many messages before disconnecting")

    parser.add_argument("-D", "--delay", required=False, type=float, default=5, help="number of seconds between msgs")
    args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args()

    def myOnPublishCallback():

    success = deviceCli.publishEvent(args.event, "json", data, qos=0, onPublish=myOnPublishCallback)
    now =
    print("======SUCCESS======", now, "===Row:", index,"Success:", success)
    if not success:
        print("Not connected to WIoTP")



This cell will keep running for the duration of the 1080 rows 'iteration'. Every e.g. 5 seconds, you will see one new message in the output console, which should look like this: {'reading_1': 10.59574274, 'reading_2': 10.80853745, 'reading_3': 20.87205928, 'reading_4': 20.10878476, 'reading_5': 10.17112379, 'reading_6': 10.32845991} ======SUCCESS====== 2022-01-06 08:29:27.415862 ===Row: 1 Success: True. Also note that at the end of the '1080-iteration', you will get a final Dicsonnected from the Watson IoT Platform message.

2. Let's now check that the data is flowing into MONITOR's Watson IoT Platform. Back to your MONITOR Homepage, click the Connect menu (left-side bar) and go to the Devices tab. Search and select CL_Device001. Wait a couple of seconds, and you will see on the Recent events section that new MQTT messages pop up at the frequency you defined (e.g. every 5 seconds).


4. Create the Physical & Logical Interfaces

In order for the pattern data to land into MONITOR's data lake, we now need to create both Physical and Logical Interfaces.

4.1 Create the Physical Interface

Go back to your MONITOR Homepage.

  1. Click the Connect left-menu. Go to the Device types tab. EnterCL_Device in the search field. Click on the CL_Device row. On the opened screen, click Edit (top-right). Scroll down to the Data from devices - physical interface section. Click the + button next to the Event Types label and select From received event.
  2. Within a couple of seconds, the reading_1 to reading_6 of the 0_1080_All.csv data that we started sending in Section 3.2.4 should appear. Click the event box. Click Create.
  3. You should now see reading_1 to reading_6 appear in the event frame. Click Save and finish (bottom-right).


4.2 Create the Logical Interface and Mappings

From your MONITOR Homepage:

  1. Click the Connect left-menu. Go to the Interfaces tab. Click the Add new interface button. Name the Interface CL_Device.

    In the schema section, click the Add property button, and add reading_1 in Property and number as the Data Type. Repeat this for reading_2 to reading_6. Click Create interface button (bottom).

  2. Go back to the Device types tab, find and select the CL_Device device type. Click Edit (top-right). Go to the Mapping to logical interfaces section. Click the + button next to the Logical Interfaces.

    In the pop-up window, search and select the CL_Device Logical Interface we just created and click the Start mappings button. Back to the Mapping to logical interfaces section, click the Edit mappings button on the right.

    In the pop-up window, select event in the Event Types left panel, and click the Add mapping + button next to reading_1. In the Mapping column, enter this string: $event.reading_1. Repeat this for reading_2 to reading_6. Click the Close button.

  3. Back to the Mapping to logical interfaces section, change the State Model drop-down value to Notify on every event. Click Save and finish.

This (see 3. in picture below) is what your screen should now look like.


Finally, we now need to activate the Logical Interface.

  1. On the Mapping to logical interfaces section, click the View and activate interface blue link.

  2. That will open the CL_Device Logical Interface where you should now see in the top-right a green message stating All device types ready to activate. Go to the Usage section at the bottom of the screen and click Activate All - you will now see a green Activated on ... message (top-right).


That concludes the setup of the interfaces. Data will now soon arrive (wait 5 minutes) into the MONITOR data lake. Let's check !

4.3 View the data in ootb Dashboards

After minimum 5 minutes:

  1. Go to the Monitor menu (left bar). On the Device types tab, search and select CL_Device.
  2. In the Devices (left panel), select the individual CL_Device001 device. Go to the Asset Metrics Dashboard. The screenshot below shows how that dashboard progressively builds up, as the 1080 rows get injected into the data lake. When the iteration is 'done', your dashboard should look like the last picture below.


5. Create Anomaly Detection Functions to detect the pattern data anomalies

We are now going to create Anomaly Detection functions on the data, to see how they behave on the various reading_1 to reading_6 'anomaly' patterns.

5.1 Create Anomaly Detection Functions

  1. Go to the Setup menu (left bar). Search and select CL_Device. Click the Setup device types (right button). Go to the Data tab.
  2. On the left Data items section, click the + button. That will open the functions catalog. Type Anmoly in the search bar. Select the KMeansAnomalyScore function.

  3. Select Apply to all assets of the selected type option, click Next. in the data item drop-down, select reading_1. In the windowsize box, enter 12 ( which is the default value), click Next. Turn the Auto schedule to Off. Enter 5 in the Executing every box, and 1 Day in the Calculating the last box. In the Output metric, enter reading_1_Anomaly_KMeans. Click Create.

Repeat the above steps by creating reading_2_Anomaly_KMeans to reading_6_Anomaly_KMeans Anomaly Detection functions for the remaining reading_2 to reading_6 readings.

OPTIONAL: Feel free to explore more of the Functions Catalog, and create other types of Anomaly Detection functions on the data - e.g. in step 2. above, instead of the KMeansAnomalyScore function, select FFTbasedGeneralizedAnomalyScore or GeneralizedAnomalyScore or SaliencybasedGeneralizedAnomalyScore or SpectralAnomalyScore.


5.2 Add Anomaly Scores to the Dashboard

Our goal is now to overlay the reading_n timeseries on the cards of the dashboard with the scores of the Anomaly Detection functions we just defined.

  1. Go back to your CL_Device001's Asset Metrics Dashboard. Click the Edit Dashboard icon (to-right). Click the reading_1 timeseries card. On the right Content panel, select reading_1_Anomaly_KMeans in the Data Item filter. That will add the anomaly reading to the timeseries card.

  2. Repeat step 1. for reading_2 to reading_6 cards. Click Save and close. Your Dashboard should now look like the below, i.e. with each card now displaying the raw readings, and associated Anomaly scores.

What is important to notice here is how the Anomaly Scores react (e.g. with spikes) each time there is an anomaly or 'change of behaviour' in the pattern data.


6. Create Alerts based on the Anomalies detected

In this final step, we'll now analyse the Anomaly Scores, and create an Alerting system based on those.

6.1 Analyze the Anomaly Scores

This is an important step to understand what 'anomaly thresholds' we should use to define the anomaly-based Alerts in the following section. We want to avoid having hundreds or thousands of Alerts that would just generate an 'Alert Storm'.

  1. On the reading_1 timeseries card, Expand to fullscreen (top-right). This will expand the card and allow us to zoom-in/out of the data. Also, in the table below the graph, click the reading_1_Anomaly_KMeans to order it ascendingly.

    Notice the values of the reading_1_Anomaly_KMeans scores over time. Take the 3 top values - e.g. in below screen, there are 3 times when the Anomaly Score goes above a value of 6.7 (check your scores which might slightly differ). This is the 'threshold' value that we will use to create the Alerts in next section.

  2. For the remaining reading_2 to reading_6, repeat step 1., i.e. take note of the 3 top score values for the anomaly score.


6.2 Create the Alerts

  1. Back to the Setup menu (left bar). Search and select CL_Device. Click the Setup device types (right button). Go to the Data tab. On the left Data items section, click the + button. Type Alert in the search bar. Select the AlertHighValue function. Select the reading_1_Anomaly_KMeans in the input_item box, and enter 6.7 in the upper_threshold box. Select a Severity (e.g. Medium) and a Status (e.g. New). Click Next. Turn the Auto schedule to Off. Enter 5 in the Executing every box, and 1 Day in the Calculating the last box. In the Output metric, enter reading_1_Alert_KMeans. Click Create.

  2. Wait 5 minutes. Then on the Data Items (left) Alert (calculated) section. You will now see 3 reading_1_Alert_KMeans Alerts !

  3. You can also see the Alerts by going back to the Monitor menu, selecting CL_Device then CL_Device001 and watching the ootb Alerts tab.


6.3 Add the Alerts to the Dashboard

Finally, let's see how we can overlay those Alerts on our timeseries cards - we will do this only for reading_1 here, but you can of course repeat the steps for the other reading_2 to reading_6.

  1. Back to your CL_Device001's Asset Metrics Dashboard, click the Edit Dashboard icon (to-right). Click the reading_1 timeseries card. On the right Content panel, click the Overlay with alerts check box, and select the reading_1_Alert_KMeans. Click Save and close.

  2. Back on the dashboard, expand the reading_1 timeseries card and notice how the Alerts now appear (as red dots).

BRAVO, you completed the Lab - hope you enjoyed !


Suggested Next Steps: as you'll notice in previous picture, we only generated Alerts for the 'central peak' of reading_1. Have a new look at the Anomaly scores (cf. Section 6.1), and try to change the 6.7 value we used to create the Alerts (cf. Section 6.2) to a lower value that will also generate Alerts for the other anomalies in the series (i.e for the other smaller peak, for the drop and the buildup).